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How to use Boardgent Network Scanner

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Written by Support Team
Updated over a week ago

Login to the Encrypted Database

All the information used or generated by Boardgent Network Scanner is stored in the internal database, this database is a file in your computer called database.vnd located in the AppData folder.

The app data folder is called "BoardgentNetworkScanner" and is located on Windows in %APPDATA% and on Linux in $XDG_CONFIG_HOME or ~/.config.

The first time you open Boardgent Network Scanner, the app will request you to create a password for the database, you must use the same password to access to the application the next time.

Discover devices

To discover active devices and understand their capabilities, you will have three different methods to be able of discover all your devices, and you can combine the three methods.

Please check the Client Requirements before the start.

Discover devices using Scan Active Directory

This method is for servers that are inside an Active Directory environment.

You can log in to your Active Directory and scan all the devices that are in all organizational units or scan the devices in a specific OU, here is how to use Scan Active Directory.

Discover devices using Scan Network

This method is to scan all devices that are inside a local area network (LAN).

You can create one or many ranges of IPs where do you want to scan, doesn’t matter if the target computer is not in the same subnetwork as the server, here is how to use Scan Network.

Discover devices using Scan for Cloud

This method is for servers that are not in the same network as the computers.

You can scan remote computers with the help of an agent that will run in the remote device and will report all the device information to the server that must be accessible from the internet. Here is how to scan for cloud .


After you perform a scan, Boardgent Network Scanner will take you to the view where you can see all the systems that were active during the scan categorized by type of Intel® AMT, where the categories are vPro, ISM, SBT, and Others.

You can enter each one of the categories pressing the button "View", and Boardgent Network Scanner will take you to the device list view where you can see the devices with details in each category.

In the same view under the categories you will see two cards

In the first card, you will see all the discover methods to perform a new scan.

In the second card, you will see two actions to manage your database, export the inventory to a CSV, and Delete the inventory.

Export all inventory

This action allows you to export the devices scanned in csv format.

When you click on the "CSV" button, Boardgent Network Scanner will ask you for the folder and the name under which you want to save the .csv file with all the devices scanned.

Delete inventory

This action allows you to remove all devices of your inventory.

When you click on the "Delete Inventory" button, Boardgent Network Scanner will remove all the devices of the database. The Active Directory credentials. Local credentials and Intel® AMT credentials won’t be deleted.

Device list

In this view, you can see the list of devices that are inside each category and see some details of each device like name, operating system, AMT status, etc.

Above the table are the filters, you can filter by Operating System, AMT Status, or type in the search bar to search in all device properties at the same time.

Below the table are the HBC and Unprovision buttons to manage the Intel® AMT provisioning state, here is how to provision and unprovision Intel® AMT.

Device details

The Device Information view is divided into five parts:

Part 1 is the Host Computer Information card, which shows device component data.

Name Device name IP IP Address SKU Type vPro / ISM / SBT / Other Primary DNS Suffix Domain name Manufacturer Vendor device Model Device model CPU Vendor and reference of processor Architecture Architecture OS OS Operating System OS Vendor Domain Domain Name AMT Supported Supported / Not Supported
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Part 2 is the Network Information card, which shows network connection data.

Name Adapter name IP Address DHCP Status Enabled / Disabled Connection Type Wired / Wireless DNS Suffix test.lab
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Part 3 is the AMT Information, which shows data if the device amt supported and amt provisioned.

AMT Supported

AMT Version AMT Build AMT MEI Version AMT SKU

AMT Provisioned

Provisioned State Provisioned / Not Provisioned Configuration Mode Adminc Control Mode / Client Control Mode ME State M0 / M1 / M-Off / Snooze mode Local TLS Enabled / Disabled Remote TLS Enabled / Disabled 802.1x wired Enabled / Disabled 802.1x wireless Enabled / Disabled
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Part 4 is the topology card, display the topology of the device on-premise or in the cloud.

On Premise

Interface Name Internet Access True / False Net Mask Net Suffix Gateway Connection Type Wired / Wireless Topology On Premise

In Cloud

ISP ISP Name Public IP Topology In Cloud

The icons will change depending on if the device has access to the Internet and if it is connected via Wi-Fi or ethernet cable.

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Part 5 is the geolocation card, show position geographic of the device.

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If you want to remove a device, you can do it pressing the button "Remove" that is on the down side.

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