Server Requirements
Supported Operating Systems
Windows 8.1
Windows 10
Windows Server 2012
Windows Server 2016
Linux, Red Hat 32 bit - Enterprise Linux
Linux, Red Hat 64 bit (Intel Enterprise Linux)
Linux, Red Hat 32 bit- Enterprise Linux Advanced Platform / Server
Linux, Red Hat 64 bit (Intel®64) - Enterprise Linux Advanced Platform / Server
Hardware minimum requirements
Processor: 2.30GHz Dual-core
Architecture: 32-bit or 64-bit
Linux Additional Software Requirements
Linux servers need to have installed the following packages to discover devices:
Client Requirements
Windows Additional Requirements
These are the ports required to scan Windows devices with Boardgent Network Scanner:
Port 389 to scan devices in an Active Directory with LDAP.
Port 636 to scan devices in an Active Directory with LDAPs.
Port 445 (SMB port) to scan devices with an IP address range
Linux Additional Software Requirements
Linux clients need to have installed the following packages to be discovered by Boardgent Network Discovery:
openssh-server running on port 22.