Before Start
In the Scan Active Directory Credentials view, we can see different components that we are going to explain:
User and password parameter, the user must have permissions of reading computer objects and administrative privileges in client computers in the Active Directory infrastructure.
Domain parameter is the domain name that scans in Active Directory infrastructure.
At the bottom of this view is the Continue button that will take you to the next step.
Requirements in Active Directory infrastructure to scan devices
The requirements to scan in an Active Directory infrastructure with:
Credentials account with privileges to read all properties computer objects in all domain structure.
Credentials account with privileges to read all properties organizational units class in all domain structure.
Allow communication with TCP port 389 LDAP, between client to domain controller server.
Allow communication with TCP port 636 LDAPs, between client to domain controller server.
Resolution of the domain name through the DNS server configured on the client computer.
The account to authenticate in the domain must have administrative privileges in client computers.
Note: if you are using the domain admin account, by default these privileges to access are allowed.
Scan Devices
1. In the Scan using Active Directory view, appear two cards Entire Domain and Organizational Unit.
Entire Domain, scan computer objects in all containers in Active Directory infrastructure.
Organizational Unit, scan computer objects in specific OU in Active Directory Infrastructure, you select in the drop-down list.
2. Press the scan button in the Entire Domain and Organizational Unit card, to start scanning computer objects in Active Directory Infrastructure.
3. Add the local credentials and the Intel® AMT credentials of the devices that in the Active Directory infrastructure, you have created and press the "Start" button.
This guide can help you, how to add device credentials.
After press the "Start" button, Boardgent Network Scanner will start to scan devices in Active Directory infrastructure, when Boardgent Network Scanner ends, will display all the devices found and their information.